In The News

Justice is Coming for Camp Lejeune Survivors

Summer is a time for scary stories told around a campfire. But while most scary stories are fictitious and based on folklore, this one is ...
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Be Wary – Your Cosmetics May Have Harmful Chemicals 

Often times when searching for a new hair or skin product, we jump at the one that smells the best or comes at an affordable ...
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Consumers Should be Aware of the “Forever Chemicals” they don’t know are all around them

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly known as PFAS, have been around for decades. They’re used to manufacture food packaging, your favorite non-stick pan, or even ...
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Vehicle Safety Act Protects Whistleblowers Against Auto Safety Issues 

Recently implemented, the Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act protects the confidentiality of whistleblowers who come forward on potential vehicle safety issues and violations of the ...
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Home Heating Oil Variable Rates- Are You Getting Scammed?

Recently, Shub Law has been investigating claims that home heating oil companies have been taking advantage of their customers and increasing the prices of their ...
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Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (“NIPT”) is a blood testing technology used during pregnancy. While NIPT is known to be reliable when testing for certain common genetic ...
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