In The News

Deferred Interest Plans Take Advantage of Consumers 

This holiday season, we’re all hoping to show our loved ones how much we appreciate them. For some of us, that might even mean springing ...
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California Law Aims to Reduce Junk Fees

Throughout his Administration, President Joe Biden has made his stance on surcharges and imposed junk fees very clear, taking on serious developments that aim to ...
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Shub & Johns Attorney appointed Interim Lead Counsel in the Webster Bank Data Breach Lawsuit

A Connecticut Superior Court recently appointed Shub & Johns LLC Partner, Benjamin F. Johns, as Interim Lead Counsel in a class action lawsuit against Webster ...
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Shub & Johns Attorney to be Interim Co-Lead Counsel in Consolidated NCB Management Data Breach Litigation

A Pennsylvania Court granted Plaintiffs’ Motion to Consolidate class action matters related to NCB Management after a data breach exposed patients’ private financial and identification ...
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NCAA Asks 3rd Circuit to Cut Athlete Labor Professor’s Amicus Brief

NCAA Asks 3rd Circuit to Cut Athlete Labor Professor’s Amicus Brief Ralph “Trey” Johnson et al. v. National Collegiate Athletic Association et al., in the ...
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Shub Law Seeks Justice For Quickly Corroding Mercedes Vehicles

A recent lawsuit on behalf of many Mercedes-Benz owners brought by the Shub Law Firm seeks remedy for model vehicles whose rear subframes develop rust ...
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