Wing Financial Data Breach Exposes Info

Data Breach at Wing Financial has left many clients’ information vulnerable to attack.
On December 1, 2022, Wing Financial (doing business as Jackson Hewitt) reported a data breach on their servers that exposed the information of roughly 240,000 clients. Personal and Private information involved in the data breach includes names, financial information, social security and personal identification numbers, as well as health insurance and treatment information. The company discovered the data breach on August 7, 2022,and proceeded to investigate the matter further. They finally sent out letters to affected individuals on December 1, 2022 indicating that sensitive information of theirs was affected as part of the data breach. More information is still coming to light.
If you are a client of Wing Financial and/or received a letter indicating your information was involved in the cybersecurity breach, fill out the form below and tell someone at Shub Law your story!