Ardent Health Services Data Breach Impacts Patient Information

a lock over a laptop keyboardShub & Johns LLC is currently investigating Ardent Health Systems (“Ardent Health”) for an apparent failure to safeguard sensitive consumer information in a data breach that was detected on or around November 23, 2023. Ardent Health, a Tennessee-based healthcare system and service provider, discovered that an unauthorized actor gained access to private patient data within Ardent Health’s systems through a ransomware attack. Investigations are ongoing and the exact time period of the breach is still unknown.

Ardent Health has issued a security breach notice via their website. Ardent has not yet determined the approximate amount of individuals affected or the total realm of patient information that has been impacted by the breach. Consumer information potentially impacted in the breach may include full names, dates of birth, social security numbers, medical information, treatment and diagnosis information, health insurance information, and potentially financial information. 

The cybercriminals responsible for the breach may have already obtained and sold the compromised consumer information. In previous data breaches, victims of data theft have noticed identity theft attempts ranging from fraudulent charges on bank accounts or credit cards, medical and/or government services ordered in their name, or their information being posted on the dark web.

Affected by the Ardent Health Data Breach

Have you recently received a data breach notification from Ardent Health? If so, we would like to hear from you.  Please complete the contact form on this page or contact us at 610-477-8380 or

Ardent Health Data Breach Intake Form

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