Him’s & Her’s Auto-Renewal Issues

Man typing credit car number into computer
Beware of the auto-renewal charges from Him’s & Her’s Inc. They’re not so easy to get rid of!

Him’s & Her’s Inc. is a growing telehealth service that provides treatments for various ailments, including skin care, anti-aging products, and hair loss treatments, amongst other products.

Simply subscribe to their platform, consult with a telehealth professional and start receiving treatments made for you. And when you want to cancel their service, simply cancel… right?

A recent investigation into consumer complaints has indicated that even upon cancellation of Him’s & Her’s service, clients and consumers are still being charged high prices for products they did not order due to their auto renewal system! Being charged for products without your consent should not be standard practice for a high caliber health company.

If you have subscribed to Him’s & Her’s Inc. and have incurred unwanted charges due to auto-renewal, fill out the form below and to speak with a Shub Law team member on how to combat this issue!


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