Shub Law Firm LLC, Co-Lead Counsel for the Class, reports that Judge Beetlestone has preliminarily approved a proposed settlement between the Class and Bucks County. Under the agreement, Class Members stand to receive $600 each provided the aggregate amount does not exceed $10,000,000. if the total payment to class members is less than $10 million, Bucks County will spend 5% of the difference to fund programs devoted to obtaining criminal record expungement and substance abuse treatment services for clients of the county’s Public Defender’s Office.
Last May a federal jury found Bucks County violated the state’s Criminal History Record Information Act, known as CHRIA, when it posted the information and mugshots. CHRIA bars non-law enforcement agencies, including county jails, from sharing criminal records with the public and imposes a mandatory punitive penalty of $1,000 to $10,000 for each violation, resulting in the record near $68 million award.
Details about the settlement and eligibility criteria may be found at