Shub & Johns LLC Files CareSource Data Breach Class Action

On September 4, 2023, Shub & Johns and its co-counsel filed the first complaint in the Southern District of Ohio against CareSource related to a recent data breach. CareSource, based in Dayton, is one of the country’s largest Medicaid managed care plans. In the ordinary course of its business, CareSource is entrusted with safeguarding the highly sensitive personal and medical information of its members. According to the complaint, one of CareSource’s vendors “was hacked by a bad actor” on May 31, 2023. CareSource has since acknowledged that the personal information of over 3 million people was accessed and “stolen” by an unspecified “bad actor” as a result of this breach.
The complaint filed by S&J alleges that CareSource had a non-delegable duty to ensure that any vendor or third party it selected to offload the storage of sensitive information would take reasonable measures to safeguard that data. The complaint alleges that CareSource failed to do so, and asserts claims on behalf of a putative class for negligence, negligence per se, breach of fiduciary duty, breach of implied contract, breach of contracts to which Plaintiff and Class Members are intended third party beneficiaries, unjust enrichment, and violations of consumer protection laws.
A copy of the complaint filed by S&J can be viewed here.
If you have been notified that your personal data was compromised in the CareSource breach, please fill out the attached form to speak with one of our attorneys.