1.5 Million Individuals Potentially Impacted by Keenan & Associates Data Breach
Shub & Johns LLC is currently investigating Keenan & Associates (“Keenan”) for an apparent failure to safeguard sensitive consumer information in a data breach that was detected on or around August 27, 2023. Keenan, a California-based insurance consulting and brokerage firm, discovered that an unauthorized actor gained access to client data within Keenan’s systems. Through further investigation, it was determined that the breach took place between August 21, 2023 and August 27, 2023.
Though the data security breach was discovered in August, the Company did not notify impacted individuals until December 12, 2023 when the company began issuing out notice letters. It has been indicated that approximately 1.5 million individuals have been impacted by the breach. Consumer information exposed in the breach may vary but can include names, Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers, passport numbers, health information, health insurance information, and employment information.
The cybercriminals responsible for the breach may have already obtained and sold the compromised consumer information. In previous data breaches, victims of data theft have noticed identity theft attempts ranging from fraudulent charges on bank accounts or credit cards, medical and/or government services ordered in their name, or their information being posted on the dark web.
Affected by the Keenan & Associates Data Breach
Have you recently received a data breach notification from Keenan & Associates? If so, we would like to hear from you. Please complete the contact form on this page or contact us at 610-477-8380 or info@shublawyers.com.