Harris Health System Data Breach Potentially puts over 200K Individuals at Risk
On or before approximately June of 2023, MOVEit software was not able to prevent unauthorized third party individuals from accessing sensitive data of the Harris Health System. Harris Health System alleges that it began to investigate the scope of the data breach almost immediately. The result of the investigation discovered that over 200,000 patients were affected by the data breach. The data accessed by unauthorized third party individuals include but may not be limited to a patient name’s, address, social security number, date of birth, financial data (like credit card or bank account information), health insurance data; medical data (sensitive illnesses and prescription data), driver’s license numbers, passport numbers, driver’s license numbers), and a patient’s immigration status or citizenship status.
Harris Health System alleges that further investigation revealed that Harris Health’s investigation determined that the unauthorized access to its MOVEit server occurred on May 28, 2023, during which time certain files were downloaded from that system. Harris Health began researching whether the files involved had to do with sensitive patient data.
The cybercriminals responsible for the breach may have already obtained and sold the compromised consumer information. In previous data breaches, victims of data theft have noticed identity theft attempts ranging from fraudulent charges on bank accounts or credit cards, medical and/or government services ordered in their name, or their information being posted on the dark web.
Have you recently received a data breach notification from the Harris Health System? If so, we would like to hear from you. Please complete the contact form on this page or contact us at 610-477-8380 or info@shublawyers.com.