CS Disco CEO Kiwi Camara accused of Sexual Assault in Workplace
Tech CEO, Kiwi Camara, leaves the position following accusations indicating that he assaulted a female employee. This (former) CEO and founder of CS Disco, a Texas-based legal software company, resigned after the company opened an investigation into allegations of sexual assault involving Camara. Shub & Johns launches their own investigation on behalf of other individuals at CS Disco potentially experiencing sexual assault due to advances by Kiwi Camara.

Camara reportedly took advantage of his position at the firm, arranging young women a part of the “Emerging Leader Rotational Program” – a program he introduced to hire new college graduates at the company – to do rotations in his office. In some cases, Camara took ELRP candidates and associates on weekend trips. Some ex-ELRP associates found issue with this and felt weird. Initial complaints against Camara were made last year, and it is not known if CS Disco has taken any internal action beyond an investigation.
If you work with or previously worked for CS Disco and experienced similar issues concerning sexual assault, fill out the form and speak with Shub & Johns about your experience. Fill out the form today!