FDA concludes Decongestant in Cold Medicines Doesn’t Work
Shub & Johns opens investigation into over-the-counter cold medicines like Tylenol, Mucinex, Benadryl, and others, after an FDA panel concluded that a common decongestant ingredient used in these cold and flu remedy medicines may not actually work.
The ingredient, phenylephrine, is a decongestant often used in over-the-counter medicines that is often used to remedy stuffy nose, sinus problems, and other ailments. The ingredient became popular after a 2006 law limited access to older, more dangerous ingredients like pseudoephedrine. For decades now, the FDA has investigated the effects of phenylephrine. Some pharmacists have petitioned to take the drug off the market.
FDA investigations have since indicated that this decongestant, phenylephrine, is not effective when taken orally. Many of these over-the-counter medicines like Tylenol, DayQuil, and others, are predominantly taken through the mouth. With the FDA panel’s announcement, it could mean that for decades, consumers could have been purchasing a medicine that does not work. This can wrack up quite a bill if put together over the years.
Have you previously purchased over-the-counter medicines that contain phenylephrine? Are you worried you’ve spent an insurmountable amount of money on medicines that potentially had no effect on your recoveries? Let us know! Fill out the attached form to join Shub & Johns’ investigation.