Predatory Reconnection and Admin Fees charged by Utility Companies – Investigation

The outside of a bankShub & Johns LLC launches investigation into several utility service providers that are engaged in potentially predatory and outdated business practices, namely by charging consumers who fail to pay for services on time with administrative fees or even reconnection fees.

Reconnection and Admin Fees

Prior to the modern age of utility services, a service technician would be sent to a house or apartment complex in order to turn on water, natural gas, and electricity services. But for many, technology has allowed for utility companies to monitor and access these services remotely. A reconnection fee therefore makes sense when a technician is required to physically visit the location in order to turn on, adjust, or turn off services, so then why are some clients still being charged reconnection services when it is mostly a remote process now?

Utility companies charge these reconnection fees, as well as other administrative fees that can all be considered junk fees – fees that the consumer is likely unaware prior to payment and in many cases is completely unaware of what the fees are specifically for.

Unfair Utility Billing Practices

Companies engaging in these harmful business practices of placing late, reconnection or other junk fees have disproportionately placed those fees on low-income households that may find it difficult to find the funds in order to turn their service back on. If reconnection or late fees are placed on an account for being a little late, this may put the total amount of the bill more than the consumer was previously required to pay and may in turn cause the consumer from no longer having enough money to actually pay the bill!

Admin fees and other junk fees placed on bills at the time of payment also seem deceptive to many consumers as often times the consumer is unaware of what an “admin” or “service” fee is used for and why it is necessary. These junk fees also add up over time, and if significant enough can also strain the consumer’s ability to pay future bills as well.

Are you being charged reconnection or other admin and junk fees by your utility company? Let us know! Fill out the attached form and join the Shub & Johns investigation today!

Utility Admin Fees Intake Form

Have you been affected?
Let us know!

Please see some of the companies we are currently investigating:

  • PPL Corporation
  • DTE Energy
  • Ameren Corporation
  • Entergy Corporation
  • FirstEnergy Corp.
  • Constellation Energy Corporation
  • Eversource Energy
  • Public Service Enterprise Group Inc
  • Consolidated Edison, Inc.
  • Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Corporation
  • American Electric Power Company, Inc.
  • Sempra
  • Dominion Energy, Inc.
  • Southern Company
  • Duke Energy Corporation
  • NextEra Energy, Inc.