Samantha Holbrook appointed Interim Co-Lead Counsel in CentroMed Data Breach Class Action
A Texas court recently appointed Shub & Johns LLC Partner, Samantha E. Holbrook – along with Co-Counsel – as Interim co-Lead Counsel in a consolidated class action lawsuit against El Centro Del Barrio d/b/a CentroMed (“CentroMed”) after a data breach allegedly exposed individuals’ personal consumer identification and patient health information.
The case is captioned Lockhart et al., v. El Centro Del Barrio d/b/a CentroMed, No. 5:23-cv-01156. This case was filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas. Continue reading to learn more.
Data Breach at El Centro Del Barrio
Around August 11, 2023, El Centro Del Barrio (doing business as CentroMed), a Texas-based healthcare system, began notifying individuals and patients that their information was involved in a data breach that allegedly exposed consumer and employee personal information such as names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, financial account information, health insurance plan member identifications and claims data.
The company learned of the security breach on June 12, 2023 and immediately conducted an investigation. CentroMed determined that on June 12, 2023, an unauthorized party gained access to confidential consumer and patient information through the company’s servers. Through further investigation, CentroMed discovered that approximately 350K individuals’ information was impacted.
CentroMed Class Action Lawsuit
On August 23, 2023, Shub & Johns LLC filed a class action lawsuit against CentroMed for the potential impact that the data breach could have or has already had on affected individuals.
On November 21, 2023, the case was removed from its initial filing location in Bexar County District Court to the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, in San Antonio. The Court subsequently granted Plaintiffs motion to Consolidate all class action matters against CentroMed related to the data breach on January 25, 2024. Plaintiffs followed up by filing a consolidated amended complaint on February 22, 2024.
On June 6, 2024, the Court granted Plaintiff’s May 29th motion to appoint Shub & Johns Partner, Samantha Holbrook, along with co-counsel, as Interim Co-Lead counsel in the consolidated action.
If you received a notice letter from El Centro Del Barrio d/b/a CentroMed indicating that your information was involved in a data breach and you are experiencing instances of fraud or notice any suspicious activity, let us know! Complete the attached form, and a Shub & Johns Member will get in touch with you soon!